Tag Archives: garden

DIY Garden Tower


I had a fantastic time today building my own garden tower. What in the world is a garden tower you ask? Basically a 55 gallon drum on stilts that will let you plant a huge garden in just 4 square feet!

I can link directions and such if anyone is interested. But I just wanted to share my accomplishment quickly before I go to sleep for the night. Tomorrow we plant!

Quick shot of my dirty barrel I cut the top off and drilled the holes in my compost tube. Did I mention this thing takes your food scraps and feeds your plants too? – Thanks to your friendly neighborhood red wrigglers.

Sides are all sliced and ready to warp.

Here was the real time consumer. Hours of heating the plastic and shaping it to make planting holes for all my wonderful food to come.

More shaping. ..

Here is the finished barrel. Finished up just before the sun decided to give up on me for the day.

This planter will hold about 50 plants from lettuces, to strawberries and a full collection of herbs!

Here is a couple of months into the growing season for those that need a better visual of what it looks like planted.

Happy Growing!