Enjoy washing clothes for a change!


Washing Machine Quiet Book Page – Buy It Here!

Everyone hates laundry even me. No matter how many times my friend calls me the laundry queen, it doesn’t make me like it anymore, it is just something that had to be done. But here is a rare chance to enjoy laundry.

Little ones n “wash” laundry in pout clothes washer while they practice snapping the washer door closed and takibg all the clothes in and out of the washing machine.

Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/480324323/washing-machine-clothes-page-8×8

Unlimited Access or A Little Control?


So I have seen this campaign for Vimana the last several weeks, and am enthralled with the concept of being able to manage the amount of time my children interact with their phones.

Do you feel like your children should have unlimited access to the information super highway, or possibly a little management on your part?

I very much appreciated that this will give me not just the ability to keep my kids from sneaking online at 2am which of course can be done from my own router, but to control how much time they have in differnt activities on their devices.

Here is some more information about Vimana for those that are interested:

Vimana is a combination of smart home device and mobile app that helps parents manage their children’s digital experience and create a healthy relationship with technology.

  • Manage Screen Time Anywhere
  • Monitor Social Media and Online Activity
  • Know Kids’s Interests – Reinforce positive behavior and discourage negative habits”

What are your thoughts? Comment and let us know what you think below.

Find a lot more of our Hippie thoughts and tips on our WeeblyTumblr, or even on YouTube!

Spring Come on!


So just got back in town from a quick out of state trip.  Just a few hours away it was 31 degrees outside!  It is 52 here and I am pretty sure we are going to freeze solid.  Why people?  LOL It is the end of February already.  Yes, I am aware if you are from the north these statements make no sense whatsoever. But here in the south we were having 80 degree days as recently as 2 days ago.  We aren’t built for snow and ice; blistering heat and humidity, yes… cold, not so much.

My potato have already come up and now are going to have to be protected. This is my first year with big potato bins.  Forty-five gallon trash cans converted into vertical potato growing heaven!  This year’s crop will be russet, baby reds, and sweet potatoes. Each (assuming a good crop) will produce about 7 1/2 gallons of potatoes to go through the entire fall and winter season for us.

I have a new field I have been prepping since early fall for a new garden area. My goal for this year is to incorporate growing barrels like I had in Tennessee a few years ago for all of my tomatoes and herbs, and the new garden for all my other produce.

Catch us on our main site at http://www.theaddhippie.com




DIY Garden Tower


I had a fantastic time today building my own garden tower. What in the world is a garden tower you ask? Basically a 55 gallon drum on stilts that will let you plant a huge garden in just 4 square feet!

I can link directions and such if anyone is interested. But I just wanted to share my accomplishment quickly before I go to sleep for the night. Tomorrow we plant!

Quick shot of my dirty barrel I cut the top off and drilled the holes in my compost tube. Did I mention this thing takes your food scraps and feeds your plants too? – Thanks to your friendly neighborhood red wrigglers.

Sides are all sliced and ready to warp.

Here was the real time consumer. Hours of heating the plastic and shaping it to make planting holes for all my wonderful food to come.

More shaping. ..

Here is the finished barrel. Finished up just before the sun decided to give up on me for the day.

This planter will hold about 50 plants from lettuces, to strawberries and a full collection of herbs!

Here is a couple of months into the growing season for those that need a better visual of what it looks like planted.

Happy Growing!

N.E.A.C.A. Fall Show


So we have been at the Northeast Alabama Crafter’s Association Fall Show for the last few days. Everything will be wrapping up tomorrow afternoon. (12-5 on Sunday)

It has been fantastic catching up with vendor and customer friends that we made during the Spring show here in Huntsville in March.

We are hoping everyone can make it in before we close-up tomorrow. We did debut a handful of our “The Well Dressed Elf” clothing line to help your Christmas Elf on the Shelf have a full accessory line to make your holidays just a little bit easier!

Join us at one of our winter season shows. The A.D.D. Hippie will be at the following venues:

The Alabama Butterbean Festival (Pison, AL)

Christmas Village Festival (Birmingham, AL)

N.E.A.C.A Christmas Show (Huntsville, AL)