Monthly Archives: November 2015

First real night


So tonight is the first full night in the camper with the boys. I am happy to report no one was strangled even though the 15 year old and 4 year old were both close.

It is going to take a LOT of adjustment  going from about 2000 square feet of space to 200 for four people. I got to take my first “tub” bath here too. I absolutely used all six gallons of hot water the camper was willing to let me have and thoroughly enjoyed all three inches. However,  much like the space reduction elsewhere,  getting used to “stretching out” in the tub where end to end in the tub your knees hit your chest does leave something to be desired.

The little boys are fascinated with the camper’s toliet. I believe they both managed to “have to pee” four or more times each before giving up on being able to use it again.

It is getting into the forties tonight, and I was quiet worried about everyone staying warm since I haven’t started the  pilot light for the heat yet. So far it seems that the camper is small enough that body heat and a couple of blankets will do us for quite awhile into the winter. I still am planning on some thermal curtains though for later in the season.

Baby goat and momma are doing well. Ducks are good,  but would be happier with a heat lamp of their own. I’ll have to add that to my list of things to buy next time I’m in the city.

Well,  that is all for now.  Time to get sleep so we can roll out early in the morning for school…. All at the same time. Wish us luck.

~ The Hippie

We have a new baby!



So who says coming home at the end of the day is dull? We came home after school today to a beautiful baby.  I think from how much I could see that we have a baby boy.  However,  since mom still isn’t totally accustomed to people,  just gave birth,  AND this is her first kid, I didn’t want to push her boundaries and pick up her new little one to check.

She was much more compliant today with allowing people near her.  Baby however LOVES to snuggle.  He immediately came over and nuzzle me as well as the kids. We sat with them for a good hour tonight just hanging out and petting the baby.  Baby is apparently the center of a great debate among the children  as to who gets to name him. *smile* Far worse arguments could ensue, I’ll take this one.  Lol

Well, we got a little heat lamp up for mom and baby since it is going to dip into the 40s tonight. 

We’ll that is all for tonight,  I’m throwing my name in the hat for “puppy”. 😉


Momma to be


So it has been several days since our little momma to be moved until her new home. 


She is starting to get settled in, and be more comfortable with people. Her previous home had no regular contact with people, so it will be a while before she is really interested in hanging out with her people.  She does seem rather lonely right now though.  She calls regularly to the ducks about 100 yards away. I’m hoping she kids soon so her new little one keeps her company  in the mean time we are trying to spend time out in the pen with her so she gets used to people- even in the rain like today.


Goat delay


So, Goat moving day was delayed on Monday. Between the nasty weather, and the ill Hippie. I was not feeling up to mucking through the mud with a four year old to take a car sick goat out to the new place.  So back to square one. lol Tomorrow after preschool promises to be better for moving the goat. If for no other reason that now I have German coffee in the house thanks to a very lovely friend of mine that shipped me some.

We are getting tight on our deadline to be totally moved out of our current place, but I still haven’t accomplished the electrical in my new office on the property. So in the mean time I am working at the old house as well as trying to move out of it.  Still shuffling kids and animals as well.  Hopefully I’ll have some great nanny shots for you tomorrow.

~The Hippie

Duck moving day


So yesterday we started moving our animals from the three bedroom brick ranch we live in now to our new place. The ducks were the first to go,  and we’re none to happy about the trip might I add.  Lol so the pen got all loaded up for its ride into the sticks. 


We finally got our little mated pair of ducks into their pen and squared away for the short term there is a nice pond they will have access to later on the property,  but for now they need to be homed.  The biggest problem these guys have right now is that offspring #5 crawls into their pen to play with them, and they would really rather he not. 🙂


So both yesterday and today it has poured rain pretty well here in Alabama, so we are all out in our getting gunky clothes.

Tomorrow is milk goat moving day after preschool.  🙂 She should kid around Christmas,  and we will have some more babies to snuggle.

I’m hoping the rain holds off enough tomorrow to get a connection to the well made so our little camper will have water access.  So far I have been hauling water in a few gallons at a time in my Jeep. If you think you have see everything,  stand in a long line at a truck stop with 8 gallons of water. (I didn’t have anything to tote water in yet) *grin* The cashier commented  “Wow, you must really like water. ” – “Well, I do, but this is for my goat. ” I managed to make the jaws of about a dozen people just fall. Lol. It amused me anyway.